How To Choose a Network Marketing Sponsor
You're here so you've kind of heard of us. We are #glowgetternation - founded by a team of network marketers with a specific set of special skills:
Jade: Natural born leader, an activist, an instigator of positive change, master of law of attraction and attraction marketing and #glowgetternation's resident makeup artist.
Christina: Graphic Designer and social media marketing master, full of creative energy and a passion for teaching others how to expand their businesses online.
Together we've had over 15 years of Network Marketing and have developed some pretty incredible training.
So what sets us apart from other network marketing teams?
What should you consider when choosing a sponsor?
I’m going to tell you right now, I feel that choosing a “sponsor’ is a very personal thing. You’re going to want to choose someone who meets YOUR NEEDS. You don’t need to jump on with the first person who plants the bug in your ear, of course, that is their hope but you need to select someone who has the chops to guide you on your journey. Your upline does not make or break your business, but having someone who’s vibe resonates with you is helpful. You’ve gotta be coachable and your mentor has to be able to guide you in a way you want to be led. I’ll tell you right off the hop, it is fairly unrealistic to expect your sponsor or mentor to be there on call for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It is, however, realistic to expect them to make solid contact with you once or twice a week to talk business and coach you. You take away their teachings and you work your business and you report back what worked and look for tweaks. It’s also reasonable to expect them to have a group of other people in your position to work with. We need to look at what tools they have to share with you. You are ultimately in charge of your own destiny but we all get by with a little help from our friends!
I’ve been doing a lot of talking the last few months and people want to know what sets #glowgetternation apart and why they should consider linking arms and running with us. Well, self-promotion makes me uncomfortable - so bear with me.
#glowgetternation offers a top of the line training for pre-launch in Network Marketing. It was brought to my attention today that other teams are not doing this right now. I challenge those teams to step up their game.
STEP IT UP. If you’re asking people to join your team in Canada during pre-launch, it would only make sense you start teaching them NOW how to build and grow so that they are as prepared as possible to explode their businesses when we launch. Christina and I aren’t doing this for us, we are doing it for people who are ready to do more, dream bigger and achieve greatness. Our training includes daily task lists, an entire manual, and workbook on how to grow a business that is not only successful but easily duplicated so that you can grow your businesses and help others to do the same.
We offer a training group of like-minded individuals who all bring their unique perspectives to the table, you have access to both of us for 1 on 1 coaching as well as video, audio and written training via blogs and posts. We realize that everyone learns differently and we want everyone to have the same opportunity.
Some of our most recent training includes in-depth training on the pre-launch daily checklist, different ways to approach different market types (hot, warm, cold, etc), How to leverage your various social media channels to build an audience and team, we’ve talked about products, we all got a free Kindle copy of “Girl on Fire” by Cara Alwill-Leyba, one of my favorite Personal Development authors & so much more.
In addition to our Facebook Group where our training is housed we have a blog that is ever-growing at www.glowgetternation.com, where you can find some resources and information.
It’s important that during pre-launch phase you maximize this time to become acquainted with the company as well as the business; getting in on a ground-level opportunity, you’d be silly to not start before-hand.
We should also note that this training and support carry on after launch to wherever this business will take you!!
Now you know, what sets #glowgetternation apart from the rest.
JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP: We message and make a personal connection with everyone that requests so make sure to check your message request folder in Facebook Messenger for either Christina or Jade's message OR:
Message us on our Facebook Page (also in the bottom right of the home page)